Professor Yoshihide Chiba, Secretary General of the AFSUMB was invited as speaker during the 6th Annual Convention of Fetus as a Patient Philippines (FPIP) in November 1997. During that time, Prof. Chiba requested Dr. Corazon Yabes Almirante, President of FPIP to form an Ultrasound society with membership belonging to the different clinical specialties, which will present the Philippines in the AFSUMB. An ad hoc committee was formed in January 1998 with Dr. Almirante as the Chairman, to draft the Constitution and by laws to establish Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine Inc. (PSUCMI). The Security and Exchange Commission approved the articles of Incorporation and by laws on March 11, 1998.
In October 26, 1998, the application of PSUCMI for affiliation to AFSUMB and WFUMB was approved with an initial membership of 50. The First Ultrasound Awareness Month Celebration in October 2000, was organized successfully by PSUCMI. Prof. Hiroki Watanabe, President of WFUMB and AFSUMB, inducted the officers of PSUCMI in November 2000, who challenged them to organize its first annual convention.
At present, the total number of individual members have increased to 150 and still growing. PSUCMI is accepting application for membership from all clinical specialties. The application and requirements should be submitted to the Committee on Membership or at the PSUCMI Office at 2F UP College of Medicine Annex Bldg.