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Posted on: 05/20/2007 07:53:05 AM

The Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine, Inc. (PSUCMI), participated in a PCS Health Forum in observance of the Ultrasound Awareness Month. The forum titled \"Misuse of Ultrasound for Entertainment\", a tri-media press conference attended by guest panelists Dr. Corazon Y. Almirante, PSUCMI Founding President, Dr. Ricardo T. Quintos, current PSUCMI President , Dr. Dorita P. Evangelista, PSUCMI Vice-President and Ultrasound Society of the Philippines-Past President, Dr. Amaryllis Digna-Yazon, PSUCMI Secretary and Dr. Rodney L. Fernan, Ultrasound Society of the Philippines- Immediate Past-President and PSUCMI Board of Directors was held last October 24, 2006 at Annabel\'s Restaurant. Panelists emphasized that Ultrasound should only be done by trained and skilled physicians in this field of specialty, and that the availability of the modern and advanced ultrasound equipments, 4D ultrasound for example, should not be abused and misused, especially in the absence of medical indication.

The panelists also said that although there are no known and confirmed biological effects on the adult patients and developing fetus, the possibility of future deleterious effects on the developing fetus inside the mother\'s womb might exist. So the advice of unnecessary exposures to ultrasound examinations should be discourage and should not be allowed, especially if for entertainment purposes. --- by Dorita Paylago-Evangelista, MD,FPCR,FUSP.