Professor Yoshihide Chiba, Secretary General of the AFSUMB was invited as speaker during the 6th Annual Convention of Fetus as a Patient Philippines (FPIP) in November 1997. During that time, Prof. Chiba requested Dr. Corazon Yabes Almirante, President of FPIP to form an Ultrasound society with membership belonging to the different clinical specialties, which will present the Philippines in the AFSUMB. An ad hoc committee was formed in January 1998 with Dr. Almirante as the Chairman, to draft the Constitution and by laws to establish Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine Inc. (PSUCMI). The Security and Exchange Commission approved the articles of Incorporation and by laws on March 11, 1998.
In October 26, 1998, the application of PSUCMI for affiliation to AFSUMB and WFUMB was approved with an initial membership of 50. The First Ultrasound Awareness Month Celebration in October 2000, was organized successfully by PSUCMI. Prof. Hiroki Watanabe, President of WFUMB and AFSUMB, inducted the officers of PSUCMI in November 2000, who challenged them to organize its first annual convention.
At present, the total number of individual members have increased to 150 and still growing. PSUCMI is accepting application for membership from all clinical specialties. The application and requirements should be submitted to the Committee on Membership or at the PSUCMI Office at 2F UP College of Medicine Annex Bldg.
Section 1. Annual Meetings – The annual meetings of the members shall be held at the principal office of the association on the last Wednesday of January (Last Saturday of March) of each year.
Section 2. Monthly/Special Meetings – Monthly/Special meetings of the members shall be called every end of the month by the President of the association. During such meetings, the President shall render his monthly report to the members regarding the activities of the association.
Special meetings may be called as the need thereof arises, by the Board of Trustees/Directors or the President upon petition of 1/3 of the general membership.
Section 3. Notices – Notices of the date, time and place of annual, monthly and special meetings of the members shall be given either personally or by special delivery mail, at least one week before the date set for such meeting. In urgent cases, the notice may be communicated at least two days before the meeting personally or by telephone, or by telegram, if contact is possible. The notice of every special meeting shall state briefly the purposes of the meeting. No other business shall be considered at such meeting, except with the consent of all the members present thereat.
Section 4. Waiver of Notice – Notice of meeting may be waived verbally by any member attending it.
Section 5. Quorum – A quorum for any meeting of the members shall consist of a majority of the members and a majority (majority: 1/3 plus 1) of such quorum may decide any question at the meeting, except those matters where the Corporation Code requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion.
Section 6. Order of Business – The order of business at the annual meeting of the members shall be as follows:
a) Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting, except when such notice is waived by the members constituting a quorum.
b) Proof of the presence of a quorum.
c) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting, except when such reading is dispensed with by a majority vote of those present.
d) Unfinished business.
e) Report of the president.
f) Election of the Trustees for the ensuing year.
g) Other matters.
The order or business at any meeting may be changed by a vote of a majority of the members present.
Section 7. Voting Proxy - Members shall be entitled to one vote, and may vote either in person or by proxy, which shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Association before the scheduled meeting.
Trustees (Directors/Trustees)
Section 1. Board of Trustees/(Directors) - The corporate powers of the association shall be exercised, its business conducted and its property controlled by the Board of Trustees.
Section 2. Qualifications - No members shall be eligible for election to the Board of Trustees unless he has the following qualifications:
1. With specialized training/research and/or practical experience of at least 6 months in ultrasound.
2. Practicing sinologist in a specialty or subspecialty.
3. Regular member in good standing in his/her specialty society (Incumbent Head of his/her specialty society or his/her designated representative).
4. One with good moral character.
Section 3. Disqualification of Directors/Trustees or Officers - No member convicted by final judgment of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding six (6) years prior to the date of his election or appointment, shall qualify as a trustee or officer.
Section 1. Officers - The officers of the association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary , a Treasurer and an Auditor. They shall be elected by the Board of Trustees from among themselves. The Board may combine compatible offices in a single person.
Section 2. Term of Office of Officers - All officers of the association shall hold office for one (1) year (two (2) years) and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Functions & Powers of Officers
Section 1. President - The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the association. In addition to duties as such. He shall preside in all meetings of the Board of Trustees an those of the members of the association.
He shall execute all resolutions and/or decisions of the Board of Trustees. He shall be charged with directing and overseeing the activities of the association. He shall appoint and have control over all employees of the association, review and approve expense vouchers. Together with the Secretary of the association, he shall present to the Board of Trustees and the members an annual budget and, from time to time as may be necessary, supplemental budgets. He shall submit to the Board as soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year, and to the members of each annual meeting, a complete report of the activities and operations of the association for the fiscal year under his term.
Section 2. Vice-President - The Vice-President if qualified, shall exercise all powers and perform all duties of the President during the absence or incapacity of the latter and shall perform duties that maybe assigned by the board of directors.
Section 3. Secretary - The Secretary shall give all the notices required by these by-laws and keep the minutes of all meetings of the members and of the Board of Trustees and of all meetings of all committees, in a book kept for the purpose. He shall keep the seal of the association and affix such seal to any paper or instrument requiring the same. He shall have custody of the correspondence files and all other papers that are to be kept by the Treasurer. He shall maintain the members’ register, have charge of the bulletin board at the principal office of the association. He shall also perform all such other duties and work as the Board of Trustees may time to time assign to him.
Section 4. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds receipts and disbursements of the association. He shall keep all moneys and other valuables of the association in such bank or banks as the Board of Trustees may designate. He shall keep and have charge of the books of accounts which shall be open to inspection by any member of the Board of Trustees, whenever required, an account of financial condition of the association and of all transactions made by him as Treasurer. He shall also perform such other duties and functions as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Trustees. He shall post a bond in such amount as may be fixed by the Board of Trustees.
Section 5. Auditor - He shall examine financial records and audit money. He shall perform other functions as may be provided for by the Board of Trustees.
Section 1. Qualifications for Membership - The board shall determine the qualifications of an applicant for membership.
Section 2. Rights of Members - A members shall have the following rights:
a. To exercise the right to vote on all matter relating to the affairs of the association;
b.To be eligible to any elective or appointive office of the association;
c. To participate in all deliberations/meetings of the association;
d. To avail of all the facilities of the association;
e. To examine all the records or books of the association during business hours.
Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members - A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. To obey and comply with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the association from time to time;
b. To attend all meetings that may be called by the Board of Trustees;
c. To pay membership dues and other assessments of the association.
Section 1. Membership Terms / Type of membership:
a) Regular member
Qualifications: Must be a Medical Specialist
Of Good Moral Character (Certificate/Endorsement from those in authority to vouch for the character of the applicant)
1. Must undergo a basic course on the use of clinical ultrasound;
2. Must undergo a specialty course on Ultrasound given by the PSUCMI, or the specialty society (sound pact) he/she is a member of;
3. Must present a certificate of training;
4. Must secure an endorsement from his/her specialty society.
b) Affiliate member
Qualifications: Interested Technicians, General Practitioners, Others
Of Good Moral Character (Certificate/Endorsement from those in authority to vouch for the character of other applicants)
1. Must undergo a basic course on the use of clinical ultrasound;
2. For GPs – a specialty course in ultrasound must be accomplished first, if in his place of practice such service is not yet offered; or there are no trained sonologists
- Upon the availability of trained sonologists, GPs must apply for re-accreditation to the society
c) Institutional Member*
Qualifications: industry/institution/company
commitment to support the endeavors of the society
Credentials: significant contribution in the activities of the society
d) Honorary member*
· Given to an individual/practitioner who’s made an outstanding contribution to the society and UTZ as a whole
* Subject for Board Resolution
Section 2. Membership Status
a) Active
- Those who are current/up-to-date with their annual membership dues
- Those who only have a one (1) year delay on the payment of such due
- Those who have attended at least one (1) PSUCMI activity every two (2) years
b) Inactive
- Those who do not belong to the above category (2a)
Section 3. Membership Privileges
a) Regular
- Voting rights as long as a member maintains an active status
- Eligibility for nomination as Officer/Board of Director during elections
- Automatic membership to the AFSUMB and WFUMB
- Priority in courses offered by the society
- Discounts on courses/conventions
- Possible travel grant upon invitation for international conventions
b) Affiliate
- Priority in courses offered by the society
- Discounts on courses/conventions
- Possible travel grant upon invitation for international conventions
- Can be upgraded to regular member upon completion of training requirements.
Section 4. Fees - Application and membership fees will be determined by the Board, taking into consideration factors that presently affect the status of the society.
Application Fee:
- to be paid upon submission of accomplished application form
Membership Fees
- if the applicant is accepted and will pay the annual dues accordingly:
Lifetime Membership – to be discussed
Suspension, Expulsion and Termination f Membership
Suspension, expulsion and termination of membership, shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the association.
Any member of the association may file charges against a member by filing written complaint with the Secretary of the association. The Board of Trustees shall call a special meeting of the members to consider the charges. The affirmative vote of 1/3 of all the members of the association shall be necessary to suspend a member. Provided that where the penalty is expulsion, the affirmative vote of 2/3 of all the members shall be necessary to expel a member.
Section 1. Funds - The funds of the association shall be derived from admission fees, annual dues and special assessments of members, gifts, donations or benefits.
Section 2. Fees and Dues - Every member of the association shall, in addition to the membership fee pay dues and/or assessments that may be imposed by the association from time to time.
Section 3. Disbursements - Withdrawal from the funds of the association, whether by check or any other instrument shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. If necessary, the Board of Trustees may designate other signatories.
Section 4. Fiscal Year - The fiscal year of the association shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
Corporate Seal
Section 1. Form - The corporate seal of the association shall be in such form and design as may be determined by the board.
Amendments of the By-Laws
Section 1. Amendments - These by-laws, or any provision thereof, may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the members and by a majority vote of the Trustees at any regular or special meeting duly held for the purpose.
Adopted this 13th day of March, 1997 in Quezon City by the affirmative vote of the undersigned members representing a majority of the members of the association in a special meeting duly held for the purpose.